We've still got several hours left of our veritable flood of flash over at FlashFlood, National Flash Fiction Day's curated journal; we've been publishing a flash every five to ten minutes since 00:01 and will continue to midnight BST.
However, there's even more to look forward to tomorrow!
Join us from 8:00 a.m. BST at FlashFlood for our latest Community Flash Series. We're catching up with the Writers Group from Wandsworth Carers Centre, a charity that provides support to unpaid carers. They've provided us with thirteen brand-new flashes written by carers who are exploring flash as a means of finding time for themselves, self-expression, and coping with the demands of caring.
We'll post an introduction to the series at 8:00 a.m. BST and then one story every hour on the hour through 9:00 p.m.
A huge thank you to the Wandsworth Carers Centre Writers Group for sharing this work with us!