Like sleigh bells in the distance on Christmas Eve, something special is approaching...
Author: Ingrid Jendrzejewski
Presenting… Landmarks.
National Flash-Fiction Day Anthology 2015
Well, it's been a tortuous job to winnow the 200+ submission down to our selection, but Angi Holden and myself have finally managed it. And so we are pleased to announce that the stories in this years anthology will be as follows:
NFFD Micro-Fiction Competition Winners!
Well, the judges have sweated and grumbled, but in the end we managed to get them to make a decision, and we're pleased to announce the winning 10 stories from this year's over-300 entries to the Micro-Fiction competition.
The only stipulation was that the story should be 100 words or fewer and I think you'll be amazed at what they achieved.
The top three will win packages of books and cash, and all ten will appear in this year's anthology, which will be available for National Flash-Fiction Day on 27th June.
Congratulations and thanks to all who entered for making the judges' jobs so hard, and extra congratulations to our winners!
Micro-Fiction Competition 2015 – Longlist
Hello everyone,
Well, the judges have been doing their thing, and we are close to being able to announce our top 10 and our winner!
But just to get you in the mood, here is our longlist of 25. I will only post the titles at the moment, but you'll know who you are.
Final announcement of the top ten will be out soon.
Well done to everyone who entered. A hard job for the judges as ever.
A Giant Emerges
A History Of Ants In The Sugar Bowl
A Weekend Away
And A Bottle Of Rum
At the Seams
Cosmic Latte
Home Maintenance
I want someone who wants me so much they don’t care about grammar
Instructions for Dreaming of the Dead
Justified Violence
Marks and Sparks
Night Watch
Ramon The Killer
Spreading the Chaos
Staying At Grandma’s
The City in Winter
The Mark of the Finger
The Pacifist
Bulletin 07/05/15
Hello everyone,
Bulletin 09/04/15
Hello everyone,
Happy National Flash-Fiction Day 2014!
It seems to have been on its way for a long time, but the day is finally here.
Special Offer eBooks for National Flash-Fiction Day 21st June 2014
Yes, you read that correctly. Not only are we bringing you a host of lovely words and events, but we're bringing you genuine Special Offers!
So, below, please find a list of ebooks, mostly on Kindle, but some not, which will be FREE, DISCOUNTED, or just generally LOW PRICED, all day on 21st June 2014, available all around the world!
Just one thing. The writers of all of these books would appreciate it if, after you read (and hopefully enjoy) their books, you could write them a review either on Amazon or on your own blog. That way other people can enjoy their stories too. Thank you!
(Please note - timings for Kindle promotions are based on the time in San Francisco, or LA, or one of those West Coast places. So they don't tend to start until about 8am in the UK (and often start late, too!) So check that the price is what you expect before you click the 'Buy' button. Also, this post is coming out early - this is books which will be on offer tomorrow UK time.
Also, please note that all links are to the UK Amazon. If you are elsewhere, simply change the in the link to .com, or whatever, and it will take you straight to the right page.)
Jawbreakers - the 2012 NFFD Anthology
Scraps - the 2013 NFFD Anthology
The Funerals at Christmas by Dixon Barker
Thresholds by David Hartley
75x75 = Flash Fraction by Helena Mallett
Enough by Valerie O'Riordan
31 by Calum Kerr
Apocalypse by Calum Kerr
The Audacious Adventuress by Calum Kerr
The Grandmaster by Calum Kerr
Lunch Hour by Calum Kerr
Mr & Mrs Flash by Kath Kerr and Calum Kerr
"Long Stories Short" by Marc Nash (Kindle only)
Marc Nash's third collection of flash fiction (stories of 1000 words or less) sees the master craftsman wrangle language like no other and make daring leaps of narrative style in this 32 story collection. Themes include Royal Wedding street parties, neon cowboys, dating apps, Hollywood directors, angels, assassins, glass eyes, arthritic stand up comedians, Geishas, Warrior-Poets, marionettes, Crime Scene Reconstruction actors, paintballing and waking up; images and metaphors for our modern age. The whole gamut of human emotions, relationships and idiosyncrasies is on show in this collection and all genres are playfully subverted.
e-mail for a Mobi kindle compatible version to be emailed back to you.
Offer closes June 22nd 23.00pm BST
Eating My Words - the 2014 NFFD Anthology (New release) 98p
Time by Calum Kerr (New release) 98p
Rapture and what comes after by Virginia Moffatt (New release) 98p
28 Far Cries by Marc Nash (New release) 98p
The Book of Small Changes by Tim Stevenson 98p
The World in a Flash by Calum Kerr (Non-Fiction) 98p
This post is a work in progress. So if you book is going to be free or under £1 tomorrow, send the link to
Saturday is the Day!
Dear all,