Dear All,
Author: Ingrid Jendrzejewski
Bulletin – 3rd October 2012
Well, hello there, and how are you?
- There's a flash-slam in Warwick tomorrow (4th October) so do go along if you can:
uk/index.php/whats-on/events/ 444-flash-slam
- A display of flash-fiction books is working its way around South Glos libraries as part of the Discover festival:
- Spry is a new journal in the USA with a flash-fiction only section is looking for your stories: http://sprylit.
- The successors to my flash365 project, Mrs Flash365 (Kath Kerr) and Son of Flash365 (Chris Bissette) are over the 150-story mark and will hit the halfway point at the end of the month. Please have a read, leave some comments, follow, share, like the Facebook page or follow them on Twitter. Your support is what keeps them going.
- The NFFD anthologies, Jawbreakers and Kissing Frankenstein are still available, and if you haven't got them already, why not? They're great!
- NFFD projects 1000 words and Flashpoints are still up and running, and looking for your work.
Bulletin – 22/08/2012
Dear All,
- The people at CAKE are holding a write-in today and there's still time to join in. Details over at http://cakeshortandsweet. wednesday-write-in-1/. - The 2012 NFFD anthology, Jawbreakers, is still available in print from http://www. anthology.html or in Kindle format from your local Amazon. - Jawbreakers co-editor, Valerie O'Riordan's collection, Enough, released to coincide with NFFD is also still available at
books.html or, again, on Kindle from Amazon. - Flashpoints, the site specific writing project created for NFFD is still up, running, and looking for your photos and stories. Check it out and submit at http://nffdflashpoints. - The multi-user, Twitter-driven graphic novel 3 Hundred and 65 is still going, and well worth a daily look at http://www.3hundredand65. - Brighton's upcoming Digital Festival have loads of great events, including a Flash Slam on the 16th Sept (including yours truly and Manchester-based flasher Sarah Clare-Conlon) http://2012. event/flash-lit-fiction/ and also an evening of flash from the Quick Fictions people on the 24th (http://2012. event/quick-fictions/). - And finally, in a blowing-your-own-trumpet kind of way, I will shortly be running some online courses, including one in flash-fiction (short stories, life writing and editing being the others). If you're interested (or just kind enough to encourage others who might be) the details are at
NFFD NZ and Write-In 2
Hello everyone,
NFFD Report
I just had to write a roundup of the day for the Arts Council. I was amazed to re-explore all that went on, and thought you might like a read. So here it is!
NFFD New Zealand
Did you know that 22nd June (next Friday for those not paying attention) is National Flash-Fiction Day in New Zealand? We thought it was far too good an opportunity to pass up, so we're going to hold an online writing event to celebrate.
At midnight on the 22nd, NZ time (1pm on the 21st here in the UK), we shall release a prompt to inspire you to write a flash-fiction. You will then have 35 hours, (until the end of 22nd here in the UK) to write something and submit it for us to publish on a special blog.
And, we hope, this global write-in will be just the first of many as we start to look forward to next year's INTERnational Flash-Fiction Day!!
(PS. If anyone wants to help out with administering this, please drop me a line through the usual ways... Thank you!)
NFFD Bulletin – 7/06/2012
Hello again, everyone,
- First of all, just a reminder that Jawbreakers is still for sale, both in paperback (via the website at http://www. anthology.html) and for Kindle at Jawbreakers-ebook/dp/ B0083BRYKW/ref=tmm_kin_title_ 0?ie=UTF8&m=A3TVV12T0I6NSM& qid=1337333761&sr=1-1) and another plea that, if you downloaded it or any other of the other e-books which were free on 16th May, it would really help the writers if you could go along to the Amazon pages for each, click the 'like' button up at the top of the pages, and maybe leave a review . And reviews on your own blogs would be really helpful too, thank you!
- If you don't want to bother with that pesky online ordering stuff, and would like to meet some of the authors, there will be a launch event for Jawbreakers tomorrow at Blackwells Bookshop in Manchester (in the university precinct on Oxford Road) from 6.30pm. This will also be a launch for Valerie O'Riordan's new pamphlet, Enough (
books.html) and my own new pamphlet, Braking Distance (http://www.saltpublishing. com/pamphlets/smv/ 9781844719129.htm). Details of the event can be found at events/429476600404131/). Please do come along, it'll be a wonderful evening.
- We are also currently planning to hold a launch in Bristol later in the year, with possibly a London one to follow. But if you have a friendly bookshop or other venue near you which would be ideal for a launch, do please get in touch and we'll organise something.
- NFFD has snuck it's way into the Worcestershire Literary Festival this year and I have been judging a competition for them. The winners will be announced and I will be talking, reading and selling/signing books there, and it would be great to see you if you can make it. Details here: http://www.worcslitfest.
com/flash-fiction-event-23- june-2012/
- AND, as if that wasn't enough, I shall also be reading and talking NFFD at the Summer Wordfest held by the Vale Royal Writers Group and Dead Good Poets Society of Liverpool. It's held at the Blue Cap pub in Sandiway on Tuesday 26th June. (
- If you'd rather write than listen, don't forget we still have open competitions listed on our site at http://www. competitions.html. And, we are now putting together some hasty plans for a way to help celebrate New Zealand's NFFD which is being held on 22nd June (the shortest day in the Southern Hemisphere). We have an idea brewing, but if you think of something that would be ideal, please send over your idea.
- And it doesn't end there. This is a busy summer for the short story with International Short Story Day occurring on 20th June (http://www.
internationalshortstoryday. org/). A number of events will be happening, including the collaborative creation of short stories, against the clock and team against team.(http:// I'm exteremely happy to be part of the UK team along with 5 other wonderful writers including NFFD writer Sarah Hilary (aka Sarah Frost Mellor) and Stella Duffy. So, do keep your eyes on that one.
A report from the Oxford Flash Slam

A report from Shrewsbury Coffee House – Flash Fiction Eve:
We advertised an evening with an Open Mic, reading, writing and whatever came along, with a film of the event to end it off. The results came be seen on The Shrewsbury Coffeehouse was full. For tablecloths we had lining paper and left pens about. People arrived saying they hadn’t brought stories to read – they’d just come to listen - but as the evening progressed and others went up to the Open Mic, just about everybody began to write. We had individual stories and collaborative ones, friends making up stories together [anything between ten words and five hundred] and strangers coming together to share their imaginations and have a go at flash, then get up and read it. People left in a state of high excitement. Apart from the flash itself, they found the evening an amazing experience of coming together and breaking down boundaries. They’ve been talking about it ever since. People are now writing who weren’t before. Visit us on our Facebook page, Flash Fiction Shrewsbury 2012. Or watch our film.
- Pauline Fisk
NFFD Bulletin – 23/05/12
Hello again, everyone!
- First up, just to let you know that there are still competitions on the Competitions page and
events on the Events page of the website (including my own appearance at the Worcestershire Lit Fest, do come along), so don't forget about those. And, if new 'flash' events or competitions come your way, do send them over. The website is not going to just disappear now the day is over, it will change a bit and we will not be updating quite so often, but we'll still be here and still doing our thing, so don't forget us.
- Next, I want to mention the free e-books that we gave away. Apologies, first, for those of you who tried to download Simon Sylvester's 140 Characters only to find it wasn't free. Apparently there had been a glitch somewhere in the process and a switch didn't get thrown. I did try to let people know through the Facebook page, but only had limited internet access so couldn't get to the web-page to alter it. The book was listed as free the next day, so hopefully some of you caught it then. On the subject of the books, however, it appears that around 150 people downloaded each of the books, which is wonderful, but the giveaway only works to support the writers if you spread the word. So, if you have read the books and you enjoyed them, please do go back to the Amazon pages and click on the 'Like' button up near the top, and also please leave a review to tell other people why they should buy copies with real money. Also, if you run a blog or website, please do consider writing reviews of the books there, or putting up a link to the books, or similar. One of the best ways to support a writer is to recommend their work. Thanks.
- A quick mention, as well, for the mooted anthology collecting together the winning entries from the various competitions. This is still on the cards and will be called 'I Can Show You The World and other stories' and will be out soon. It will be a free e-book available (probably) from Smashwords, so stay tuned for that.
- Having mentioned books, I should mention Jawbreakers. The e-book is now available on Kindle at
Jawbreakers-ebook/dp/ B0083BRYKW/ref=sr_1_1?s= digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid= 1337333761&sr=1-1 for you to download and enjoy immediately! Or you can still order real, physical, paper copies from us here at NFFD via http://www. anthology.html. If neither of those take your fancy, there are copies for sale in Brighton's Waterstones (it would be great if they could sell out...) or you can come along to one of the launches we're organising for the book. We only have a confirmed date for one so far, but it is at Blackwell's in Manchester (by the university) on Friday 8th June at 6.30pm, so do please come along. More details here: https://www.facebook. com/events/429476600404131/. We are also now working on a Bristol launch, a Brighton one, and a London one, and if you'd like us to come to your area, do drop us a line.
- And so, onto the future. As you might have noticed above, I already alluded to the fact that the website will be continuing, so you have probably guessed that so will National Flash-Fiction Day. It's true. It went too well to give up. So plans are already being made for NFFD2013. But... we're not going to start just yet. Personally, I need a bit of downtime after all that hard work and excitement, plus I have lots of my own writing to do and - oh yes - I'm getting married in less than 6 weeks! So, the website will be tidied up, sales, events and launches for Jawbreakers will continue, and the occasional bulletin will trickle out, but I think we should all take a breather now until about September, at which point we'll pull the tarp off, put the key in the ignition and get the engine ticking over once more. Thank you for all your hard work, take a well earned break, but start thinking about what you'd like to do for next year, because that was just a trial run, next time we do it even bigger and better!!