Live today!
If this is your first time here, scroll down for some notes on how to use this form. Note that using the form does not save or submit your flash; it is only for awarding badges.
This is a form where you can check your Write-In flash responses to gain a badge. Check back and hit refresh during 15 June as we will be adding prompts throughout the day. (There are 25 in all, numbered 0 to 24.)
Please note that the story will not be saved, sent to us, or stored anywhere so you should make sure you have a separate copy before continuing. The badgifier will check word counts, but it is up to you to make sure that your story satisfies the full conditions of the prompt. (This is an honour-system badgifier; the form is easy to trick, but you'll bring bad publishing luck upon yourself if you fib to it.) The prompts will appear at The Write-In.
If your story passes the badgifier test, your badge will appear below the text boxes once you press 'Badgify!'. Feel free to download and display your badge, whether or not you submit it to The Write-In. If your story doesn't pass, you'll get an error message telling you what went wrong.
If you'd like to submit the flash to The Write-In for possible publication, you'll need to follow the submission guidelines here. (You can't do it through this form; this form saves nothing.)
Again, no text that you put in this form will be save, stored, or viewed by another person. However, if you are concerned, feel free to enter nonsense text that is the same word count as your story.
We are always open to improvements, so if you find something is broken or have suggestions, do let us know by emailing with the subject 'Badgifier'....
Happy writing!