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Welcome to the third in our series of interviews with this year's National Flash Fiction Day Anthology Editors and Microfiction Competition Judges! Submissions for the Anthology and Microfiction Competition are open until 15 February 2024 and we'll be posting weekly interviews over the next four weeks.

This week, NFFD's Diane Simmons chats with , one of this year's NFFD Microficiton Competition Judges, about everything from favourite books to first flashes to her advice to those entering the 2024 Microfiction Competition....


DS: Firstly, thank you for agreeing to be a micro fiction judge this year. You won the competition in 2022 with your flash ‘Just a Word to the Snowblind’ and were Highly Commended in 2023 with ‘The Fate of Small Creatures’. Do you have any tips for entrants to this year’s competition?

JK: I love the NFFD comp, so I’m delighted and excited to be a co-judge this year, though I should say that as well as winning and getting highly commended, I’ve also stalled on the short-list and got nowhere twice, so that’s all bases covered then! Tip wise, I think that when writing a successful drabble, it’s important to experiment with every tool available since wordcount is so constrained. Each word should earn its place, but more than that, each word should aim to be optimal - not only with reference to meaning, but also rhythm, pace, the way it sounds in context, the musicality of the syllables and phonemes and how collectively the words flow when read out loud. And writers could think about controlling the white spaces on the page and the beats of silence between words and sentences. Even punctuation can enhance constrained storytelling if used in ingenious and compelling ways.

DS: Can you remember where you first heard about flash? Do you remember any early flashes you read that left an impression on you?

JK: It was in 2015 doing a course called, ‘An Introduction to Creative Writing’ at the Open University. My tutor had us drafting 300-word stories, and though flash wasn’t the universally used term it is today (it was also known as short-short stories and brief fiction back then), whatever it was called, I became obsessed. I searched the internet to find out more and found the fabulous on-line litzine, The Molotov Cocktail | A PROJECTILE FOR INCENDIARY FLASH FICTION where I loved everything, especially flashes by Aeryn Rudel, and also Smokelong Quarterly where I read a story that has haunted me ever since called, ‘The Sadness of Spirits’ by Aimee Pogson. Here’s the link if you’d like to be haunted too: The Sadness of Spirits - SmokeLong Quarterly.

DS: You can only take one book (that you have already read) on a long train journey. What would it be?

JK: The Sea, The Sea by Iris Murdoch. I love everything about this book: the form of the story; the unreliable narrator; the exquisite language; the undercurrents of magical realism, especially when they seep to the surface; and the wild and isolated sea-cliff setting - a landscape that provides a looming narrative presence throughout. It’s a story I never stop reading.

DS: Your novella-in-flash ‘A Learning Curve’ won the Bath flash fiction NIF competition in 2023 and Northodox Press have announced that they'll be publishing your short story collection in 2025. I’m guessing you dedicate a great deal of time to writing and I wondered if you have a daily writing routine.

JK: Ha! I’d love a daily writing routine, but in reality, I more carve out time around family and caring commitments so no two days are the same. But I do try to write, or edit, or provide feedback to writing buddies every day. For me, writing is a joy, a therapy and a gift, and I hope everyone who enters the comp this year has something like fun crafting their entries.






Happy New Year and welcome to the second in our series of interviews with this year's National Flash Fiction Day Anthology Editors and Microfiction Competition Judges! Submissions for the Anthology and Microfiction Competition are open until 15 February 2024 and we'll be posting weekly interviews over the next five weeks.

This week, Diane Simmons chats with NFFD's Karen Jones, one of this year's Anthology Editors, about her journey as a reader, writer and editor, and, of course, her advice for those interested in sending work for consideration for the 2024 NFFD Anthology....


Photograph of Karen JonesDS: This will be your third year co-editing the anthology for NFFD – thank you for all your hard work. Has there been anything that’s surprised you about the type of stories that you’ve read so far?

KJ: I’m often impressed, and, yes, surprised by the ingenuity of our submitters, of how they manage to find new and fascinating ways of interpreting our theme. On the other hand, I’m frequently surprised by how many people make the title of their piece the theme word – please don’t do that. As well as being an administrative nightmare, it always comes across as unimaginative.

DS: The theme this year is the natural elements: earth, air, fire and water. Do you have any tips on how to interpret the theme or any advice on how not to approach the theme?

KJ: My advice for this stays constant: write down the first few words that come to mind when looking at the theme, then discard them, because everyone else has probably thought the same thing. Strive for originality – not easy, I know, but when we see something we haven’t seen before, we tend to get very excited. Remember that we are putting together an anthology, so we want as much variety as possible, so avoid standard subjects e.g. dementia, death of a child, break-up stories, domestic violence, cancer. If you do feel drawn to one of those subjects, try to make it as different as possible, because you will be up against a lot of people writing about the same thing and that reduces your chances immediately.

DS: You have, I believe, been writing flash for over twenty years. Can you remember when you first came across the term and any early flashes that you read that left a lasting impression on you?

KJ: I first came across the term in 2004, but it wasn’t flash as we know it. Back then, when I first discovered it, it was a timed exercise, writing to a theme in a ‘flash’ of around 20 minutes. Then I discovered 60 word stories and drabbles. It was a while before I found places to submit flash as I now know it and my first publication was in print, in an anthology, in 2008.

I don’t remember any specific flashes from that time that have really stuck with me, unfortunately, but I think that’s because there really didn’t seem to be much of it about.

DS: Did you read much as a child. If so, did you have a favourite author or authors?

KJ: I haunted the library as a child and, like most people of my generation, read everything Enid Blyton wrote. But the author who I loved the most was Ruth M. Arthur, and I recently discovered she was Scottish, which I had no idea of at the time. She wrote novels that often included the supernatural, and I adored them. Funnily enough, as an adult, that’s exactly the kind of thing I avoid, having become very easily frightened by supernatural books and films. I was clearly much braver as a child.

DS: You recently had a historical novella Highly Commended in Bath novella-in-flash competition. Do you write much historic fiction and if so, do you have a favourite period of history to write about?

KJ: I don’t consciously think of many of my stories as historical, but I do often write from the POV of a child in the 1960s/1970s which I suppose is deemed as historical now. Stories set in that era and up to the 1990s are probably the ones I find easiest to write, the easiest to slip back into that time and how I saw things then.



We are delighted to announce our 2023 Pushcart Prize nominations.

Congratulations and good luck to the following:

  • 'All my lovers' by Sara Siddiqui Chansarkar
  • 'Cuttlefish' by Patricia Q. Bidar
  • 'Javelin Girl' by Rebecca Field
  • 'Time Takes' by Anne Summerfield
  • 'Were You Ever There' by Kathryn Aldridge-Morris
  • 'Venus of Willendorf' by Pam Plumb

You can read all these stories and more in print or via ebook in Scratching the Sands: 2023 National Flash Fiction Day Anthology, available from the National Flash Fiction Day Bookshop.

Congratulations as well to the Pushcart nominees of our sister projects, FlashFlood and The Write-In.  You can read more about FlashFlood nominees here and The Write-In nominees here.

National Flash Fiction Day is OPEN for submissions to our annual Anthology and Microfiction Competition!

It may be cold and dark outside, but we're getting ready for the UK's twelfth annual National Flash Fiction Day which we'll be celebrating on 15 June 2024.  We've opened submissions to both our Anthology and Microfiction Competition projects and will be reading submissions from now until 15 February 2024.  We are open to work from anyone and everyone, all around the world.

For the 2024 Anthology, we're looking for flash up to 500 words on the theme of AIR, EARTH, WATER AND FIRE.  Your work will be read by editors Karen Jones and Sara Hills.  Selected work will be published in our 2024 print/ebook anthology and be considered for our Editors' Choice Awards which come with a £50 prize.  You can read our submission details here.

For our Microfiction Competition, we're looking for flash of up to 100 words.  There is no theme.  Your work will be read by judges Sara Chansarkar, Jan Kaneen, David Rhymes and Alison Wassell.  Winners and runners-up will receive cash prizes and be published online and in our print/ebook anthology.  Full submission details can be found here.

Our Anthology and Microfiction Competition teams look forward to reading your work!


With our submission window set to open shortly we'd like to take a moment to introduce you to this year's judging panel.  This year, we're excited to announce that Sara Chansarkar, Jan Kaneen, David Rhymes and Alison Wassell will be doing it all: reading the submissions that come in, compiling a shortlist, and then deciding on the winning and highly commended pieces.

Our submission window opens on Friday 1 December 2023 and closes on Thursday 15 February 2024.  We will be announcing results on or before 15 March 2024.  We'll be reading flash of up to 100 words on any theme, but we are not able to consider simultaneous submissions this year.

For the 2024 competition, we will be awarding:

  • £150 for first place
  • £100 for second place
  • £50 for third place
  • seven awards of £20 for highly commended pieces.

All winning and commended pieces will be published online as well as in the 2024 National Flash Fiction Day print anthology and will receive one free copy of the anthology.

You can find our full submission guidelines here.

In the new year, we'll be posting interviews with our judges so you can get a better sense of what they're looking for, but in the meantime, you can read more about each of them below.

Huge thanks to our judges for taking on the 2024 NFFD Microfiction Competition and we look forward to reading your work!


Sara Siddiqui Chansarkar is an Indian American writer. She is the author of Morsels of Purple and Skin Over Milk, and is currently working on her first novel. Her stories and essays have won several awards and have been published in numerous anthologies and journals. She is a fiction editor for SmokeLong Quarterly. More at, Twitter: @PunyFingers

Jan Kaneen writes sometimes prize-winning small and tiny fictions. Her memoir-in-flash The Naming of Bones was published in 2021 by Retreat West Books and her novella-in-flash A Learning Curve is on sale now from Ad Hoc Fiction. Hostile Environments, her unsettling short story collection, will be published by Northodox Press in 2025

David Rhymes lives with his wife and children in a village near Pamplona in Navarra, Spain. He grew up in Nottingham and has a degree in English and American Comparative Literature from the University of Warwick and an MA in Creative Writing from the University of East Anglia.

He is the author of two novellas-in-flash. The Last Days of the Union was published by Adhoc Fiction in 2022, and Monsieur, was winner of the Retreat West Novelette Prize in the same year.

His flash fiction has appeared in the Bath Flash Fiction, Reflex Fiction and Fish Publishing anthologies, and he has won prizes in the Bath Flash Fiction and Barren Magazine competitions. Other short listings include the Bridport, LISP, Desperate Literature and Smokelong Quarterly flash fiction competitions.

For more details, you might like to follow David on Twitter (@dsrhymes)

Alison Wassell is a short story, flash and micro fiction writer from St Helens in Merseyside. Her work has appeared in several NFFD anthologies, Ellipsis Zine, Litro, WestWord, The Cabinet of Heed and The Phare. She has twice been shortlisted for the Bath Flash Fiction Award and, in 2022, was placed fourth in both the Summer and Autumn rounds of the Reflex Flash Fiction Competition. Alison also writes regularly for The People’s Friend magazine, which has published more than 50 of her short stories. She is passionate about very short fiction, and has no plans whatsoever to write a novel.

We are delighted to welcome Sara Hills to the National Flash Fiction Day team as this year's guest editor for the 2024 National Flash Fiction Day anthology.  She'll be joining NFFD's Anthology Editor Karen Jones in putting together this year's anthology of flash fiction from around the world.  You can read more about this year's editors here.

The theme for this year’s anthology is THE CLASSICAL ELEMENTS – AIR, EARTH, WATER AND FIRE. You can use any combination of the elements, just one or all four, which should give you plenty of space to play around with ideas. Will you take us flying in the air, bring us down to earth, set us alight with your words or plunge us into the watery depths? We can’t wait to find out.

Feel free to interpret the theme however you wish, in 500 words or fewer. Selected flashes will be published in National Flash Fiction Day's 13th Annual Anthology. Payment is one contributor's copy of the anthology.  Two pieces will be chosen for an Editor's Choice Award which comes with a £50 prize.

The submission window is 1 December 2023 to 15 February 2024.  Please see our submission guidelines here and submit work via Duosuma, our submission manager.

The 2023 National Flash Fiction Day Anthology and Microfiction Competition will open for submissions on 1 December 2023...but in the meantime, if you'd like to catch up on your NFFD reading, we're reducing the prices of all the anthologies from past years.

All NFFD print anthologies up to 2022 are now on sale for a reduced price of only £5 plus postage!  You can purchase them at our Bookshop.  If you want to order more than one, do contact us -- we can combine shipping and offer you a reduced rate.

Happy reading!

Thank you to everyone involved in the Scratching the Sands: 2023 National Flash Fiction Day Anthology launch. If you weren't able to make it, or if you'd like to revisit the fantastic readers from some of the authors appearing in the anthology, hop on over to YouTube where you can watch a recording. Here's the link:

And, of course, if you'd like to see these beautiful words in print, you can purchase a copy at the NFFD Bookshop.

Happy listening!

Huge thanks to Anita Goveas and Farhana Khalique for their fantastic workshop yesterday.  If you missed out, then you're in luck:

Click here for a recording of today's session.

You'll need to enter the password 4jHM&2rN to access the workshop.

We are truly grateful to Anita and Farhana for offering their annual National Flash Fiction Day workshop free of charge for several years running.  All NFFD projects are volunteer run, this included.  If you enjoy these free workshops, do follow Anita and Farhana to keep up with the workshops they run throughout the year. A little bird tells me they have an exciting one planned for October, though details haven't yet been announced.

You can follow Anita and Farhana on Twitter at @coffeeandpaneer & @HanaKhalique

Thank you again to Anita and Farhana for volunteering their time and expertise to the flash community this weekend!

The Write-In, New for 2023: Badges!

This year, The Write-In is adding in a little spice to its prompt writing challenge. Over the course of National Flash Fiction Day, we're publishing one prompt per hour for a total of 25 prompts.

You have until Sunday 25 June at 23:59 BST to submit them for possible publication at The Write-In, and for the first time this year you can also claim a virtual badge for each prompt you finish, as well as for a few other tasks. You have a week to do so, until 23:59 BST on Sunday, 2 July. You can see the full list of badges here and claim you prompt badges using our badgifier. It's all on the honour-system, but bad publication will most certainly befall anyone who tries to fool our badgifier....

Finally, if you are here looking for the special National Flash Fiction Day 2023 badge from this website, you can find it by clicking here.... Congratulations -- you're one step closer to being able to legitimately claim the Complete Set badge of 2023!